Is AMERica past the point of no return?

April 22 | Posted by mrossol | American Thought, Biden, Deep State, Democrat Party, Losing Freedom, The Left, Totalitarianism

What we are seeing is what I feared we would. I believe the Democrats are pointing the entire USA in the same direction as Portland. That was the only reason I voted for Donald Trump. As far as I could see, Trump was the only one with enough support to stand against this tide. I do fear that “conservatives” in the US may be facing what Jews did in 1933-37. Where to go? If the US is lost, what other country will be able stand against a totalitarian “USA” and Communist China? – mrossol

Unherd  4/21/2021

Writing about his native Portland in UnHerd this week, evolutionary biologist Bret Weinstein painted a bleak picture of the city. What was once a liberal paradise moulded in the image of 1990s Portlandia quickly descended into something much darker: a city overrun by Left-wing rioters appeased by a weak mayor, and a police force who look on and do nothing. 

This crisis, according to Weinstein, is largely a result of the city’s mono-political climate in which one party, namely the Democrats, are allowed to operate unchecked. Yesterday, Bret joined Freddie Sayers for an UnHerd members event to discuss whether the events in Portland were a sign of things to come. His answer was chilling:

I’m very worried about this. I think it’s actually worse because what is probably hard to see from across the pond, is how much Biden represents a kind of systemic corruption on the Democratic side of our politics. What I know that they will do and what they are already doing is basically attempting to ride the wave, this BLM movement, and they don’t have the power to control it. So in effect, they’re going to deliver a lot of legislation in this direction, for cynical reasons.


But the outcome for us will be a game theoretic failure nationally. It’s a very frightening situation. The degree of control over government — it’s not just the Biden administration, but Biden and both houses of Congress, under Democratic control, means that we do effectively have the same conditions that brought such a terrible situation to Portland.


We filmed this conversation hours before the Derek Chauvin verdict was delivered, but not long after the President told reporters that he was “praying for the right verdict”. Now that the verdict is out, Bret’s comments feels especially pertinent:

The trial revealed the complexity of this situation. That the political establishment is now urging the jury towards a particular verdict, especially in light of one of our best traditions in the US — that one must be convicted by a jury of their peers beyond a reasonable doubt. Reasonable doubt should be likely in this case given the complexity of what we saw unfold.


And yet, we have a political establishment that has advertised that it wishes to see this principle violated, presumably so that there is no violence on the other side. But once you have a violent mob in a position to get the President of the United States to urge a jury to reach a particular verdict, what you effectively have is a kind of governmental witch hunt.   – BRET WEINSTEIN, UNHERD

Some reader comments on this story:
Surely this trial verdict in the George Floyd case was inevitable given the precarious position of the jurors? Their anonymity remains subject to some future ruling by the trial judge, their full identities could become public at any time. So many of their personal details have already appeared in the press, that some of them are already at risk of being “outed”.
In such circumstances. would any of us dare to return a verdict that disobliges a howling mob?
It seems clear that the Justice Dept acquiesced in a show trial, maybe to avert a race war. But they will find that having tasted victory over the Rule of Law, the mob will redouble their campaign. Violence works. 
– M March
Democrats are riding the BLM wave but what “wave” are regular Black folks riding? I’m increasingly tired of refuting notions that BLM mirrors the Civil Rights Movement. It does not, repeat, it does not. For God’s sake is it impossible for people to DISCERN? BLM is a arm of the Dem Party, I called out Marc Lamont Hill for his failure to explore fundamental issues in his soft-ball interview with Cullors. I sense a certain “glee” on the part of some White folks to act like ALL Black Americans are all on in Woke/BLM. Guess what? WE’RE NOT ALL IN. Been there, done that. Racism will disappear when humans no longer exist. No sane Black person wakes up every day dwelling on what Whites think and do. That seems to the the province of the Woke mob. That’s why they act insane, that focus will make you insane. Woke damn sure ain’t the province of average working class Black Americans who are being pimped by the BLM/Woke forces. In 2-3 years (if won’t take a decade I promise you) we’ll look back on this farce the same way we look back at the Fukuyama’s “End of History” Farce, and the “pre-Woke” crowd ‘s “Post-Racial Cottage Industry.” Let me enlighten you all. Nothing is really changing, may actually be getting worse. Blacks are used as bludgeons and then discarded. If anything we now have to deal with increasing “protected classes,” minority procurement means NOTHING. One step forward, two back.
– L Stark
For the present (so far as I can see) the USA is one of civilization’s lost causes.
60+ years of the ‘liberal’ Left marching through ALL the institutions (now most lately the armed forces) have wrecked everything and produced what the Destroyers all along at bottom have desired: eradication of wholesome norms for conduct, education, laws, jurisprudence, the lot.
For a long time the Federal Justice System has been outrageous, with its habit of launching not one or two but MANY charges against each of its victims, so that (a) it can force them to plead guilty (even when innocent) so as not to be financially ruined by the costs of long trials and (b) it has a 97% rate of conviction: something which Kim Il Jong must envy looking on from N. Korea.
The attempt by the Deep State to stop Donald Trump from being elected and then, once elected, to get him unhorsed or unable to govern (I am not saying anything about his fitness or otherwise for office) proved the Dept of Justice, the FBI and the CIA now wholly compromised by partisanship – in the Establishment gravy-trough – and corruption.
I fail to see any difference between the authorities’ use of violent mobs in America now and Mussolini’s thugocracy of the streets; between the total brainwashing disinformation of most of the mainstream media day in day out, and that of Goebbels’ propaganda ministry in Berlin; or the march of woke cancellations and politically correct persecutions on the one hand and the whole apparatus of China’s Cultural Revolution.
Already dissentients have been blacklisted and picked off one by one, eliminated from public life. Next, I suppose, comes re-education camps for people who don’t follow the line Joe Biden is given to utter from day to day.
All the sci-fi dystopias are coming true across the Atlantic.
If you are American yourself, and have the means to leave your country, I urge you not to make the mistake Jews in like case committed 1933-37 and hang on there, hoping things will get better.
If we have the coming economic collapse soon enough, they may. Otherwise they won’t. You will be trapped, sequestrated, imprisoned – or worse.
P Scott


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