Military’s Damaged Morale and Readiness – Letters

March 14 | Posted by mrossol | Military, Obama

Another great letter. I salute Col. McCrindle.
WSJ – Letters to the Editor, 3/14/2017

Regarding “Trump’s Defense Buildup” (Opinion, March 4), I am a retired Air Force officer and now serve the force as a civilian employee. I see every day the damage that has been done to our readiness and morale. To be blunt, our military was decimated by the actions of our former commander in chief. People are unprepared, unable or unwilling to do proper training, while precious time is wasted on kindergarten-like sessions called “Green Dot,” when personnel are taught to recognize so-called aggressions and hostilities that might offend someone who probably doesn’t have the fortitude to be in the military in the first place.

The aircraft are cannibalized to get the parts needed to get others flying, as parts are in short order. Fifty pound boxes are labeled “two person lift”—news flash, if you need help lifting 50 pounds, you’re unqualified for combat. Driving through the gate onto the base inspires little confidence for my safety, for I must be unarmed and the gate guard is a petite woman who couldn’t stop a Radio Flyer wagon on a good day. I know I am not being politically correct, but I am telling the truth.

There is no room for societal experimentation in the military, for it lowers standards, introduces division and enables the possibility of total failure. This will result in death for our soldiers, sailors and airmen. There is no mystery why there is a retention problem—it is the direct result of the politicized insanity forced on the military by the progressive Democrats. They have rendered us weaker than we were before World War II. We must have a budget that funds the military, now. Curtail the societal training and refocus on the real military mission, to fight and win.

Calhan, Colo.


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